On May 9, 2018, the School Committee voted 4-1 to change school start times for students in Mashpee--beginning in September 2019.
Mashpee Middle-High School Student School Day: 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Quashnet School Student School Day: 9:05 AM - 3:35 PM
Coombs School Student School Day: 9:05 AM - 3:35 PM
This is the link to all videotaped School Committee Meetings:
Videotaped School Committee Meetings
The MISSION of the Mashpee Public Schools' School Start Time Committee (SSTC) is to review the current research on school start times, to explore relevant factors and policies of comparable districts, and to gather community input to make recommendations for start times that are feasible and appropriate for Mashpee. The success and well-being of all students in our district will be at the forefront of our work.